Digital Service

Digital Service
The future we hope to realize
The Internet and smartphones have become the foundation of our lives, and we are entering an age where advanced technologies such as AI, IoT, and Metaverse are supporting our daily lives and businesses. We will make literate use of emerging technologies and aim to realize human development and happiness through our digital service business.
Development so far

Facebook Instant games
We distributes its games on Facebook Instant Game, the world's largest HTML5 gaming platform, with more than 120 million players.
Development language: Phaser3 / Playcanvas

Native mobile game
We distribute and operate "Rival Arena VS," the ultimate psychological battle game with simultaneous turns.
Development language:Unity

EC service
We operate "SUPER BOWLING STORE," an e-commerce store for bowling fans.
AI Solution
We have developed Super Structure AI, which provides personalized content for each user. We utilize it for our own games and can provide the system externally.
Entrusted development

We built a sales support, inventory management, order management, and delivery management system connecting 100 stores of a British lifestyle brand.
Development language:PHP

We developed exclusive game content that is linked to the LINE account. A point-linked system was also developed.
Development language:Unity / PHP

We developed a mini-game that utilizes the IP of a major game company and sent users to Facebook's official page via Messenger BOT.
Development language:Phaser3 / PHP